Friday, May 28, 2010

Dave Bruzzi

If you've ever lifted at a meet in the NY area, you probably recognize Dave Bruzzi. He holds the US National Masters records in the 77kg class, 40-44 age group, with a 122.5 snatch, a 155 clean & jerk, and a 275 total (all done in the period of 1998-1999).

Below is video from the 1992 NY State competition.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's the Point of Having a Platform and Bumper Plates...

...if you're not allowed to drop the weights.

Updates made to the platform/bumper plate locator:
-Removed Edge on the Upper East Side
-CrossFit South Brooklyn has moved to a larger location
-There may be a platform at Club H Fitness in Jersey City (to be confirmed)

Monday, May 10, 2010

JERK Supports

By Jim Schmitz, U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Team Coach 1980, 1988 & 1992.

"The jerk support is done by placing the bar in the rack at just above your head, maybe an inch or two above; if it is your first time I recommend 2 inches above your head. As you get better at it you lower the starting position, but not any lower than your head. You use your clean and jerk grip and your feet are hip- to shoulder-width apart. Squat directly underneath the bar with your arms extended and locked out directly above your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles. Your arms, head, body, hips, and ankles must be directly in line under the bar in what is called the power position. The power position is the position where you catch or receive your power snatch and clean: approximately a quarter squat. Tense or tighten up all your muscles, and then stand up by pushing up with your arms and down with your legs. Practice a few times with a naked bar; then start adding weight. It will surprise you how wobbly you are at first. When you are fully erect, hold the weight for 2 seconds or so: the bar should be directly over your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. Lower the bar under control and repeat."
